Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Beauty & Health Benefits of Drinking Red Wine

Red Wine has been around for centuries! Made all over the world for an assortment of texture and sophisticated taste, it is one of the most commonly consumed alcoholic beverages since B.C. times! So... it tastes great right? Well did you know that red wine is one of the most beneficial anti-aging weapons around? According to Dr. Oz ( it has incredible amounts of anti-oxidants beneficial to the body inside and out as well as anti-inflammatory properties. Fact: our bodies collect free radicals on a daily basis that attack our DNA/cell membranes which leads to the aging process. Anti-oxidants help to remove those free radicals from our bodies thus slowing and preventing that process. NOW this isn't a "prescription" to go buy a bottle of wine-a-day! Remember that all alcoholic drinks contain calories and over consumption isn't going to help in the long run. According to ( women can consume approx. 5oz and men 10oz. of red wine daily. Not an alcoholic beverage consumer? Check out my blog on the anti-aging benefits of grapes- 

More benefits of red wine:

  1. The resveratrol in red wine can help lower your cholesterol and risk of blood clotting! It helps reduce plaque build up in the arteries (dry reds such as cabernet sauvignon have the highest amounts).
  2. It contains polyphenols that protect the skin from UV light (which helps preserve elastin).
  3. Because of the anti-oxidant properties collagen is also better preserved!

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