Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Health & Beauty Benefits of Rosemary Oil

Rosemary Essential Oil or Rosemarinus Officinalis has been used as a medicinal ingredient throughout centuries. It is distilled from the natural flowers and leaves of the evergreen bush it originates from! Rosemary is the key ingredient in anti-aging lines as it contains astringent properties that remove excess oils, tone and firm the skin. Other skin benefits from the essential oil include: anti-biotic properties to treat skin conditions such as acne and eczema, increases blood flow and circulation which leads to better removal of toxins, improves skin tone and stimulates.
Try this skin care line-
Yon-Ka: I use this line in my treatment room and I have really grown to love it! It is phyto-aromatic based with 5 essential oils (including rosemary) to help reduce inflammation, promote circulation, provide antiseptic qualities and promote calming/healing. Check it Out!
**CAUTION: Rosemary can be dangerous for women that are pregnant. According to, Rosemary is considered an Emmenagogic Oil, meaning "a substance which induces or regularizes menstruation." It is not advised that you use this essential oil during your first trimester (due to risk of miscarriage) and to use with extreme caution throughout the rest of your pregnancy. For more information click here!

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